Friday, January 13, 2012

Second Shooter for Dan Wood

I got to help out Dan for a wedding he had in January. It was nice to be able to repay him the favor for helping me out when I was 8 and a half months pregnant and shooting a wedding last year. He came along to help me in case I needed a break or if I went into labor early. For this particular wedding, I mostly took pictures of the bride getting ready, and was there to help out for the rest of the day doing things like helping with details in the posing etc. It turned out to be a wickedly windy day, and super cold to boot, so we got to be inside at Dan's studio that he uses for harsh weather as a back-up plan, which I must say is nice to have. Here are some of the pictures that I grabbed. Note: The Getting Ready Image-- Brides always do this:) It's a guarantee and with a serious face, I think it's priceless!

Meghan and Justin: Wedding

This has been a long time coming but it's being posted to the blog now which I'm thrilled to be sharing these with you. Meghan and Justin's wedding from September 2008. I had to throw in the picture of their son at the reception. He's so adorable after having been rested and fed;)
If you would like to see albums that I've designed, I've slowly been adding them to my website under weddings. I'll be making some more changes to the website over the next few months. In case anyone was wondering I am still booking 2009 weddings. If you are interested in having an awesome, fun photographer for your wedding please call to meet with me. You have to see the album in person! All of my packages come with a gorgeous custom album, the bride getting ready, the ceremony, formals with friends and family, online password protected gallery, and a set of 200 4x6 images of my choice. I'm limited to the number of weddings I can do each year, so the sooner we meet the better.

Baby Sabine: 2 months

I'm a bad Auntie, I didn't introduce my new niece when she was first born. I can't believe I'm actually an Aunt to a beautiful baby girl. She's so gorgeous, I miss her so much when I think about her, it's weird considering I have three kids to tend to 24/7. She's already 3 months old and I just want to photograph her all the time it's so sad that they live so far away. Soon they will be moving from Saskatoon to Calgary which I'm sure the whole family is looking forward to.

Here are some pictures from her two month session at her Grammie's house in Calgary.

Zachary is ONE...

Here's Zachary! Just turned one in December, back for his one year pictures. I didn't think he could get any cuter from when he was a new born but holy cow, I think his eyes got more sparkly! It was a challenge to get him to show me his teeth, but once he started he didn't want to stop. Thanks for having me out to your place Erin, he is going to be a little heart breaker!

For those of you who may have heard rumors or if you were wondering, I'm taking 6 months off. That means I will be back in action June '09. I'm hoping to make some changes to help streamline the biz. I do have a waiting list of people to call when I'm back, so don't hesitate to email me if you would like for me to call you in June. Summer time pictures are the most beautiful in the whole world! (in my opinion) My time off will be nice to spend some extra QT with my cuties but I'm not just doing this for me, I'm doing this for you too, it's going to be great! Stay tuned.

The Sweetness of Carter....who lived for 9 months in the belly of his mama

There are many reasons I'm grateful this holiday season.  One of them is my love of photography, and the enormous blessings that have come from it.  This year I've had the privilege of working with some amazing people going through hard, hard things.  I've realized that there are those whose trials are right there in front of our faces, and many many others who are enduring, silently, the enormous burdens life has brought them.  Only this year I've worked with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation a few times, and 2 families with children who have CF. An amazing family who's father and husband went through brain surgery. Sweet Jonas Coleman who had SMA....I photographed him and his family then only weeks later he passed away.  Mr. Super Spencer, 8 years old, who is undergoing a year long treatment for his cancer.  I got to photograph his fundraiser, his Make A Wish, and his family.  Another great family who's mother is undergoing chemo AGAIN, after being cancer free.
And this wonderful girl, her family, and her precious still born baby Carter.  Ashley was full term, and due in a few days with her first baby, when she went in for an ultrasound.  They couldn't find a heartbeat.  I was going to photograph the birth of Carter.  I got the phone call from her Mom telling me what had happened.  I cried all the way to the hospital just after she gave birth.  I waited on the floor in the hallway with her mom, dad, sister, brother and friend.  This family is to say the least, amazing.  Her mom is the epitome of strength, endurance, service and love.  And her Dad, he's just one big pillar of strength and then mush inside. So loving and kind.  She's a lucky girl to have so much support.
It was a truly sacred experience.  Ash loves him...she kept talking to him, kissing him and snuggling up to him.  I have no doubt he felt everyone of those sweet words she whispered and every soft touch to his tiny hands and face. Thank you Ash for letting me meet your sweetness baby.  He is watching you from heaven.

Makes me so incredibly thankful.  Thankful for all I've been given, and for all of you who have made my year so meaningful.  Thank you.

Ash, and Carter. And Carter with the hands of both of his parents.


Ashleys Dad.  What a tender and sacred moment.  I feel so blessed to have captured that moment in time forever.  It brings me right back to how I felt in that room at that moment.

I'm always happy to donate my photography services for situations like this.  I'm also a part of a group called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep who does this as well.  I'm also always willing to do the same for terminally ill kids, and adults.  Don't hesitate to email me if you know someone in any of these situations.  No one should leave this life without great photos to preserve their memory.  We never know what tomorrow holds for us.

Sweet Jonas Coleman {until we meet again}

If any of you follow my blog, you'll remember this family.  Last night Jonas went home to his Heavenly Father.  Sweet Jonas and his little sister Maggie have  SMA Type I- it's a terminal genetic disease that results in loss of nerves in the spinal cord and weakness of the muscles connected with those nerves. 
I can't tell you the gratitude I feel for having the privilege of photographing their family.  To have taken part in seeing the love that exists between them, and capturing it.  wow.  I had to re-post these touching images of Jonas and his family that we took just a few weeks ago.  My heart goes out to The Colemans.  
If you know someone whose child has a terminal illness, please let them know I am always happy to photograph them free of charge.  I also happen to know many other photographers who would also be willing.  Feel free to pass on this blog and have them contact me!  



I know this little man touched the lives of every person he met. What a blessing.

ONE session spot for ARIZONA session next month!

I have ONE spot that just opened up for my Mesa/Phoenix sessions. I'll be in Mesa Feb. 3rd, 4th, and 5th. If you would like to snag this last spot please email me at and we'll get you all set up! I'm so excited for WARM weather! It's been SO cold here. brrrrr...
Just a few images from my last trip to Arizona:

I heart this one...